The thrill of lack of control

One of the reasons I love making art is that in order to reach that new thing, you have to give up control and just see where things take you. This gets exponentially more thrilling and precarious when collaborating with someone else.

I’ve been collaborating with Amanda Judd for a few weeks now and am so inspired not only by the art and the direction we take, but by our relationship and the willingness we share for exploring.

stardust1 stardust2 tvw-phase1.4 tvw-phase1.3

For this particular collaboration, we decided on a basic shape, a color strategy and a size. We gave ourselves a framework but left certain parts unanswered – to be interpreted by each of us as we launched into action. Keep in mind that we are not co-located; this is all done without being near each other. Liberties are taken as we independently try to merge our expressions together.


Her series were fantastically different from mine, giving us both a new opportunity to explore further within our shared constraints. I’m only showing my work in these examples and frankly, without hers, they don’t make as much sense. A testament, I think, to this new place we’re finding together.

We’re in the middle of this process and the lack of control is fascinating. What makes this lack of control thrilling and not anxiety producing is the relationship we have. I trust and admire Amanda. And we share the same philosophy that nothing is ever ‘wrong.’

I’m thrilled and grateful for this experience! If you want some sneak peaks day-to-day over the next few weeks, we’re sharing bits and pieces on Twitter and Instagram. And we’re planning to make something to share with you … soon enough. 🙂

Twitter: Me Amanda
Instagram: Me | Amanda

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